Thursday, March 14, 2019

My mother's passing

7.3.2019 1026pm

This is the end of my mother's journey in this world.  She passed in pain at GH Miri.  This is all after me, bro and sis's prayers for the lunar 1st february 2019.  I thought things will be better after the sincere prayer from us all.

I can't accept the fact yet.  I didn't get to see her and to send her off.  I think she is in better hands now.  I realized there was a lot of  things i could have done but was just too late.  She left me in grieve and her love forever lives in my heart.  The fond memories of her still fresh in my mind.  I hope I can meet her one day if I am ready to leave this world.  I'm sorry and deeply regret my in-obedience and I really pray that I can talk to her.

I'm deeply saddened with this bad news.  Why? How? are the questions in my brain.  I didn't realize how much I have owed her for bringing me up as a successful person.  I didn't realize that she bought lotteries to provide our family a better life.  I didn't realize she let go of us in Brunei to make us independent so that we can adjust and live without her one day.  She left behind plants which will never die.  I love you.  I didn't get the chance to tell her face to face.  I miss you forever I will.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The news hit me badly. Mother requires operation for her tumor, ovarian cyst and leg injury. My heart sank. What can I do now?