Wednesday, January 9, 2019

9 Jan 2019

chàn huǐ
to confess to repent remorse repentance penitent confession (Buddhism)

karmic hindrance (buddhism) karmic consequences that stand in the way of enlightenment (term of abuse, especially toward the younger generation) devil spawn (fig.) money

"Repentance", from the heart, every time; every moment, every moment, every thought, this care, careful and not making the same mistake. 
Sorry,  my mistake, thank you,
If you can always be alert yourself and be good at guarding your own body and mind, you will be able to reduce the occurrence of negligence. 

The Goddess of Childbirth or Zhu Sheng Niang Niang  (注生娘娘)

Ways to reduce karmic hindrance
1. Helping the Buddhist scriptures: Please contact the publishing house.

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