Thursday, November 29, 2018

Teacher's message

My dear student, I left you too soon.  I don’t have the chance to take you with me.  This is my incapability and lack of righteousness.
My dear student, you have suffered. Today we have learn and practice Tao as a result of Mighty’s blessing.  Therefore, we have to be thankful always.  Learning Tao is not one day’s effort, yet it is not going to take you one whole life’s effort.  IT is because you gain good karma from past life, now you have the chance to embrace Tao.  It is now, the Mighty blesses us to let us learn and obtain Tao in this life.  Previously, it was difficult to do so as one has to be a real vegan to embrace Tao.  Now, my dear student, you do not need do do so.  You need to be thankful, to be born in this generation is such a happy thing.  You were not born in difficult warzone environment , thus you do not need to feel the pain that people in the past generation did. A lot of students in past generation have suffered.   During that moment, when you feel you want learn Tao, you cannot simply do so.  It was so difficult.  They have to learn Tao secretly.  My dear students, you ought to be thankful.  By thankful in our heart and not to blame and do not feel miserable.  If you feel miserable, you will feel even miserable in the end.  If you do not feel miserable, you will embrace joy.  Why? It is because when our heart acknowledges sorrow, you cannot recognize the good, therefore, you will feel miserable.
My dear student, let’s talk about your character.  Control of temper is important.   It is as if you do a lot of good deed but in the end all destroyed at once because of uncontrollable temper.  Therefore, we must control our temper.  Say if today, you feel unhappy, you lash it on a cup, smash it up onto the floor.  You are exerting anger on cup.  If you feel suffer unpleasantness, you then lash it on your family,  then you are exerting anger on family. This anger exertion is scarry, small exertion is onto ourselves, big exertion is onto country. Isn’t it scarry. It is just like, if fellow students commented you, your heart feels unhappy. Fellow Tao siblings commented about you, you feel angry and irritated. Once angry, you will blame.  You will tell everyone Tao is not good, students are not good and this in the end, destroy Tao’s community and destroy our Tao’s path.  Is anger scarry?  Therefore, I wish all of you not to be angry.  If you are angry, avoid it and try to find a place to calm and gain inner peace.  Do not immediately get angry as this will result in big sin.
We must not repeat the same mistake.  If you know this is not a good/wrong deed, then do not do it or violate it again.  If you know temper is bad, then you must control your anger. If you know greed is bad, then you must stop your greed.  If you know materialistic is not good, then you have to have to find inner peace.  Greed and craze will destroy Tao learning path and it is hell’s main root.  I hope that all of you can overcome this.  If you can accept all the teachings, it is considered learning.  If you cant accept the teachings, this is not considered learning.  A person that learn Tao will not do wrong deed everytime.  If today, no one will request from you, then you will request yourself.  If you study Tao, and no one comment your studies, there is only 2 possiblities.  Firstly, you study it so well.  Secondly, your temper is too bad until no one dare to sound you.   If you learn Tao and no one say you learn Tao no good, there is only 2 confirmed possiblities, first you learn so well, secondly, no one dare to comment as you are too strongminded. Because the more you study, the more egoistic you are.  Therefore, if there is no one that comment about your Tao’s studies, don’t thnk that you are studying it well.   IT is only because of other feels that you cannot accept their comment.  This is scarry and sad.
My dear student, you are all my student.  I fairly treat all of you.  If you do good, I will reward.  If you do bad, I will punish.  My student, your heart is your compass.  You will know the direction you wish to go.  If you choose to follow my direction, then you will be okay.  If you choose to follow the other path,how long will it take you to reach to the final endpoint?  . Student, your heart is the compass, if you wish to walk which path, you yourself know the direction.  If you follow the path that I show, then you will be ok.  If you choose the other path, how long will you take to reach to the final destination?  You should follow the Ten Vows  to learn is the correct way of learning.
1.       Sincerely adhere to cultivation:Male – realistically repent, Female – realistically cultivate
2.       Not to be insincere and hyprocritical
3.       Not retreating and not progressing
4.       Not deceiving the Masters,
5.       Enlightening teachers and exterminate the ancestry of the Golden Lineage
6.       Not being contempt to seniors
7.       Not folloiwng the dicipliines and ritual s set  by the buddhas
8.       Revealing the Heavenly Secret
9.       Not hiding or covering up of the Tao: Male – Perform to and not exceeding our capability, Female – sincerely cultivate
10.   Willing to be passed judgment on by Heaven and humans.
As you are able to study Tao at this moment, it is not an easy coincidence.  When we learn Tao, we must have a complete perfect character.  This is important. Do not downgrade your personal character.  If as you study Tao, you are vegetarian but in front of others, you give up being vegetarian just to please others, thi s is call downgrading of character. We cannot downgrade our character to please others.  It is okay for us not to request commitment from others, but we must request our commitment  for ourselves.  If there’s requirement, then there will be improvement.  As we study Tao, we need to improve ourselves everyday.
We cannot scold our junior. Because you are unqualified to do so.  We can comment but not everyone we can comment depend on the situation.  Sometimes, attitude must be modest, sometimes, attitude must be strict.
When I was still alive, I teach strictly.  Unfortunately, all of you came late. I could not afford to bring you all along.  In the past , I can make request on students.  However, since I am not around, then no one will make request from you.  However, we shall remain connected as though we are parent and child.  I hope you will be strict to yourself to control your desire and act and not to do wrong things.  Therefore, you have to practice and improve your Tao knowledge.  Previously, to learn Tao, God taught human, now to learn Tao, humans need to train humans.  Mighty borrow human to train and test our character.  My dear students, if you come across gossips, bad words, your heart should remain still.  If there is no test, we will not become Buddha.  This trainning and test, my dear student, you have to endure and bear with it.
Learn and practice Tao. Need not be afraid of not able to master.  Be afraid of not wanting to learn.  Student need to gain Tao knowledge and understand principles well, 3 biao 5 yuan, Fuo Gui li Jie to memorize, learn to write biao wen. Along Tao journey, everything need to learn and master. One day when you spread Tao knowledge, you will know everything so, once you master it, it will benefit yourself.
My dear student, we learn Tao and accept the hardship, not the greed for enjoyment.  Accept hardship will overturn suffering and clear our sins. It’s ok to endure hardship, or suffer loss.  We need to sacrifice enjoyment and enjoy sacrificial. Not to greed over what you see as what you can see now is temporary peace/joy.  We have to see far ahead and beyond.  See thousands years ahead.
My dear student, we have to feel our importance.  Though our intelligence differs, our mission remains the same.  Learning Tao needs to be humble.  If your rank is high, do not be snobbish.  If your rank is low, do not feel low.  Everyone of you is my student.  I care for all of you fairly and equally.  Your environment does not determine your quality.  Your character and heart do.
My dear student, when we study Tao, we must be grateful and contented.  If your siblings and parents are with you, be grateful.  There are some born without parents.  My dear student, when we study Tao, we must be grateful and contented. If your siblings and parents are with you, be grateful.  There are some born without parents, and some not getting along well with siblings.  If you have a perfect family, you must be thankful.  Though there is bitterness in life, as long as family members are safely intact, this is considered happiness.  If family can learn Tao practice Tao, this is the most happiest thing.  No matter what, let your siblings join in and study Tao.  Is this ok?
Learn Tao and practice Tao, student has to have own direction.  If you see test, do not avoid.  Be positive when look into issues.  Do not be afraid.  Mighty will help you.  Human’s acts, Mighty is watching from above.  Be proactive and spread Tao.  If you are able to make it during this Bai Yang period, you will have a seat, everyone else will too.  Good or bad seat depends on your effort.
Though there is obstacle in learning Tao, you need to confront and overcome it with persistance in heart. If you feel lost or disaopointed or undecided or sad,  my dear students, please think of me.  I am just next to you to give you strength.  Often times, I see you back out, I tried to cheer just next to you but you can’t hear me.  Why? Because besides you however, student, you cannot hear me. Why? Because you are too opinionated/prejudice and therefore, you cannot hear me.
Usually, all of you will be busy practicing Tao.  Not having inner peace and bother to improve your knowledge.  Therefore, you need to take opportunity to improve your own knowledge.  Lerning Tao, control temper, control your good character, mastering inner and external skill is important.  With Tao and good character, you will be the winner.
When I am your teacher, you are also my “teacher” .  I pass Mighty’s teachings to you so you have to pass teachings to others to support Lao Mu’s Tao’s battlefield.  Tao’s battlefield is not mine and it is not yours, it is Lao Mu’s.  We have to work together.  Any issues, we will iron it out together as the Tao journey does not belong to you.    Matters cannot be resolved by one person.  We need to help one another, care and give encouragement and support.  We are in same destiny, whether it is good or bad destiny, we have to appreciate it.  If others illtreat you, it’s okay.  Do not take revenge but return with good deed.  Is it okay? Open our heart and  increase our level of endurance.
I hope that all of you can make it onboard on the ship. Once time passed, it will be too late.  Spread Tao is not a forever task to do. It must be done within a time limit. If you still do not learn Tao and practice Tao, you will regret when time is due.  This is happiness, so be grateful and appreciate while we possess this time.  We have to speed up, to perform and gain blessings, to spread Tao.  You are doing Mighty’s given official duty, you are Buddha.  If you busy doing human duty, then you are human.  If you determine to become a Buddha, you will become Buddha. if you determine to be undecided, then you will be indecisive.  Buddha and indecision is just small gap, it is your determination.  Hope that you will make a big determination; prioritize greatness, giving less priority to non-importance.
When we learn Tao, we learn Buddhist Rules and regulation. Do not learn stupidly. Country has own regulation, home has own regulation. Buddha has its rule. Some feel that Buddha Rules and Regulation is too restrictive. However, please think carefully, use this Rules and Regulation to tame your wildest heart. May your act not divert in wrong way.  When Dian Chuan Shi arrives, we must accept welcome the arrival. Why because this is to receive God’s wisdom/instruction.
We must be harmonious. If we fight at home, home will not peace. Tao is the same. Senior is like parent, peer is like siblings. Therefore siblings must be living in harmony. There are time when parents are wrong.  If they are wrong, we can give our opinion. However, we cannot be disrespectful. If senior is wrong, we too can give opinion but we cannot criticize.  To give opinion, we must give opinion face to face and direct. We must not criticize others at their back as this is disrespectful.  If senior is bad, there will be no you today. If parents are not good, still they are your parents. Without parents, there will be no you.  We must be aware everytime of the root of our existence.  We must not forget their aid.  We should support each other well.  We must collaborate with our seniors. If there is dispute, we must communicate and solve issues openly. Once dispute resolves, we once again reunite to carry on with our mission.  Let go of past regrets, revenge and gossips. There is no right or wrong between you and me.  We stand at positive side and we should be considerate.  Sometimes, senior must think of junior’s angle to feel junior’s emotion.  And, junior need to look at senior ‘s angle to feel senior’s difficulty.

This is Tao battle’s principles. Home has principles , house will have peace. Tao has principles, Tao will have harmony.  We need to respect teacher, respect Tao. The way you queue is like the way you passdown Tao through generation to generation.  Hope student will pass Tao to next generation.  In Tao, old must consderate to young. Young must respect old. Student, do not “pan yuan” , we appreciate this Tao relation, got happiness we share, got bittness we bear.  We all board on same ship.  We must remind one another.  We must everytime keep real principles at heart. This way, you wont feel lonely, lost. Real principles is your compass. One rat shit , spoil the whole wok of rice. In Tao battle, same.  if Tao, has one bad egg, it will affect the whole team. So everyone must keep ourselves intact. Do not sway.  As we learn Tao, we don’t ask for reward, we ask for forgiveness of wrong deed. We must hold integrity.  Teacher let love pass on to you. Hope that you can pass on love to everyone else. Love everyone just like you love your parents, siblings. Do not be unfair. Exert your Pu Sa great love.
Buddha and evil are just a step apart. If you spread Tao, you are Buddha. If you challenge /test others, you are evil.  Isn’t it scarry. This single desire can create sin/good deed. Isn’t scarry?  Control desire and not sway. We all are doing Mighty’s duty. To carrying out Mighty duty, we must have pure heart. Do not have greed and discriminate. Follow me. Though my body flesh is no more, my supporting spirit is still following all of you.  If you are in difficulty, call “Lao Shi”. I will immediately go to you. Is it ok?  I have ten thousands of students. My one heart deals with ten thousands of students. Do I have big responsibility?  I talk a lot is useless.  How about we stay connected with each other spiritually?  We have destiny to be here in this generation of Bai Yang. We have destiny to forward together. I hope you are appreciative. I hope you have a perfect relationship, perfect principles.  Be determined until the very last breath.  Do not retreat.  I hope you success in hope student’s success in doing moral righteous deed. I hope you will sacrifice the small things to achieve a greater cause.  I hope you will study safely and return to Heaven safely, do not get lost, my dear students.

This is message from Ji Gong Huo Fo.  Translated as best as I can from 

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