Wednesday, December 19, 2018

My Mother and Parkinsons

[Jaclyn's dad is a brainy guy, a mathematician in his pre-retirement years.  She's noticing changes, which her mom is covering up. He can't keep track of their finances any longer. Jaclyn knows this isn't the Dad she's used to.

Mom just steps in and does what Dad is forgetting.  He forgot, for instance, how to make coffee.  He's been making coffee for decades.  He forgot the steps. He didn't remember them later.   He got lost driving home.  Is that "normal" because he's 86?  It isn't.  Both of these memory issues are signs of trouble brewing.

Dad refused to try a new card game, something he's always loved to do in the past.  He is having more and more trouble learning any new information, say nothing of keeping track of the information he already knows.

Jaclyn wants to help, but is afraid to bring up the subject of what she sees.  Mom will just deny a problem and say Dad is fine, just getting old.

Does it matter whether Dad goes to see a  neurologist?  Yes. At least that can help sort out the behavior that is not what the family is used to seeing and rule out various causes.  Medication interactions, infections, stroke, and even dehydration can cause changes in brain function and behavior.  It's good to find out possible reasons for the memory problems and learn whether they can be treated.

A doctor generally won't diagnose Alzheimer's Disease unless there is enough evidence from testing and examining a patient to give the physician reasons to do so.  There's no one test to tell you if your aging parent has it or not.  We get clues and doctors draw reasonable conclusions from them, but it's not a precise thing.Source: Forbes

[Some other research has shown that people who drink caffeine — which is found in coffee, tea and cola — get Parkinson's disease less often than those who don't drink it. ] Source: Mayoclinic

Emotional Trauma may accelerate dementia..

Dr. Widnell, "stress and anxiety and sleep deprivation always make tremor worse." Source:ABC4

Monday, December 17, 2018

Uncertainty part of hardship in life

Uncertainty, disappointment, happy, sad, suffering are all the intense emotions i have these few months.  My mom condition is unstable. It is my wish to bring her to Taiwan.  I should have done this years ago when she is still fit.  I hope I am not too late.  She is looking forward it. I'm fighting internally, with everyone else that try to stop me fulfilling the dream.  Including my siblings and father.  I want the best for mom.  I want her to be happy and I want us family to spend quality time together abroad.  I want us carefree for 2 weeks.  I want us just focus on family , not work, and a getaway from life.  I hope this will improve my mom's condition.  I will take good care of her.  I hope her well and long life.  She has to enjoy her remaining life and live a quality life.  I will continue to pray and to ask her to pray.  I will remind her 3 treasures and i will remind her to look at things on bright side. I have not tell her how much i care for her.  A person can drop just like that leaving all behind and all of a sudden.  I understand this is part of life.  I hope that she will enjoy the rest of her life before she returns to her original home in heaven.  She is kind heart and she took very good care of all of us. We are not grateful but we complaint every time and until she almost give up her life.  I am not able to let her go yet.  I strive to keep her happy.  I know LaoShi is beside me to cheer for us.  I hope LaoShi blesses my mom always and not letting her suffer anymore.  I wish her good life.

Regret and Apologetic

Thing happens for reason.  A reason you can never imagine off.  Once clear of mind, you will know and will get over it.  If so, every bad things that happen to me, i should be apologetic and thankful.  I hope mother will become well soon.  She was doing ok this morning but choked herself and she is weak. I hope she will be better soon, we are looking forward to Taiwan trip.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

活佛老師慈悲 (Ji Gong's advice)

In this video, Lao Shi asked us to give and be good to others.  Put ownself 2nd, others first.  Lao Shi will always be around when we need him.  We go temple, so our ancestors will be proud of us.

Friday, December 14, 2018


I hope and pray mother will recover soon.. Mother please come back to us, let's have fun.  We'll go temple together when you are well again.  We must not eat meat.  We must go back to temple always when you are fine later.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Thing happens for reason

Just yesterday, I became so angered when my family giving excuses to bring my mother to see poliklinik as she has an appointment.  I was frustrated till late at night and getting pessimistic messages up to 2am.  I was imagining why would my mom be blind after discharging from hospital and start to behave in funny ways.  My sis and brother said it is likely she will be blind as there is no reaction at all in the eye areas.  This morning, first thing i did was to message the sifu at Kota Batu to update my mother's condition to him.  My mom was behaving weird only at night and spoke/sung in weird language.  He replied that my mom's condition is not favorable and he will try to look for ways to improve her luck.  Nothing from him till now.

Then this morning too, my dad and sis had sent my mom early to poliklinik.  I was nervous when my second sis said both of them never pick up calls.  I thought again they are giving excuses? Nope, they were all there at the clinic.  We've got advise and result and even medication.  The best thing is my mom is sitting still on wheelchair when we were so scared last night that she will not be able to sit due to the tear in her anus. We were delighted.  Doctor said my mom looks like she is starting to have stroke and could be mental problem/depression.

It stroke my mind immediately that logically, when eyes suddenly cannot open means some part of the brain or neuron got blockage.  So i recalled one acupuncture that we have not tried.  The next moment, i got picture of my mom at the acupuncturist.  Physician said my mom is having depression and need encouragement and attention.  Her eyes are ok just that she refused to open.  The treatment is worth it.  She is gaining back her appetite and spoke a lot.  Then it comes to us that my second sister's mother in law was having stroke for half side of her body and recovered from 2 months session at the physician.  There is hope now.  Though the medication is costly.  It is worth it if she can stand again and we can go Taiwan!

this is the miracle that i have been asking for this morning.  I shed tears thinking how bad my mom's life is.  Lao Shi heard me.  He gave me the wisdom.  I'm so happy today.

thats not just all of it.  I've Tune Insurance's reply.  I can claim the flight and hotel if the trip is cancelled.  This is good.  I'm very hopeful for next week!!

Thank you God, Lao Shi, all, you have blessed us so much. I'm so grateful for everything.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Exhausted and disappointed

I prayed and I mediated. My mom is not healing. My dad ignored and continued his work like nothing happened.  I am mad, told off my dad.  My mom is due for clinic appointment tomorrow.  The only reason dad gave was she can't sit due to pain.

My heart aches.  I can listen to their comments.  Most says to see doctor.  I'm growing mad and angry.

I am angry because I prayed and my mom is not healing.  I'm waiting for the news from the master, a day is like forever.  My mom is still sick and not really improving as I imagined her this morning.  I'm mentally exhausted and disappointed with everyone in the family.

Monday, December 3, 2018

冤亲债主 yuān qīn zhài zhǔ

yuan chan wen
kuen dao xin shi OOO (for ladies)
qien xin gui zai
ming ming shang di lian sia xin so zhen chuan
mi le zhu shi miao fa wu bian hu bi zhong zen chan hui fo qian gai guo zi xin tong zhu tian pan
fan xi fo tang dien dao chuo luan wang chi zhu xi she zhui rong kuan
nam mo oh mi shi fo tian yuan

chan hui wen
wo xi suo zao zhu e ye
jie you wu shi tan chen chi
chong shen kou yi zhi suo sheng
yi cie wo jin jie chan hui

feng qing ji gong huo fo zai shang
xin shi OOO yuan ziang yi wang suo fu chu suo zhuo zi gong de
quan bu hui xiang gei wo de yuan qing zai zhu
qi qiu ji gong huo fo chi bei zhuo zhu bo juan

Sunday, December 2, 2018

02.12.2018 931pm

The situation is not as what i had imagine.  Mother is still sick and appetite is not coming back as usual.  This whole pm, she was complaining mosquitos.  In fact this has been her only favorite words after the first anti-depressant pill.  I strongly feel it has something to do with it.

I think mother could live better life.  If I had time to take care of her at hospital, probably things wont be that bad.  How can the GH doctor diagnose her as major depression disorder when no question being asked to the patient.

I hope mother can be back soon.  She doesn't recognize me and she was closing her eyes all the time. So i made a decision to send her to columbia hospital.  Doctor gave her sodium drip.  After 1 bag, she is more energetic.  She looks like her old self.

I remember Uncle Lee told me earlier this morning, he will leave mother tonight.  I hope tomorrow, i have the good news that my mom fully recover.

If so, all my sacrifice will be worthwhile.

I pray if Uncle Lee can let me dream and get to know him, i want to ask what are the things he needs most now.

I'm so dead tired.